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Zs'Skayr, also known as Billy Larry, is Ben's frenemy. In FA, he joined The Canada Club.


Zs'Skayr's DNA was added to the Omnitrix as Ghostfreak, but his consciousness lay dormant. When Ben was 10, he escaped, and menaced him on and off for the next six years or so.



In BenMonsters Unite, he did evil shit then died. In Invasion of the Body Snalbaydo, he snuck on the gang's road trip, and eventually freed JK Simmons from Simian. In Baumann's Cousin Pays a Visit, he possessed Baumann, but was scared to death by Toepick. In Rath on Anur Phaetos, he tried to give the gang a rare and precious artifact, but it had been stolen by Captain Nemesis. In Billy Larry's Monsterrific Pacopalooza Telethon!, he held a telethon to raise money for his destroyed exercise bike. In The Deal, he bought Ben's soul and stole Ferrick's. They sued him and lost, but he gave their souls back anyway. In Requiem for an Eh, he was the priest at Evil Shocksquatch's funeral. 


In Walkin' on the Sun, he accompanied Ben on his adventure, revealing that he had joined the Canada Club. In Farquaad's Gift, he went on a mission with Ben and Sir George, but was killed by Quaad Ben. In It's Always Sunny in Baumannville, he was killed by Ben, who believed him to be an evil ghost. In Leonardo DiCaprio: Ace Attorney, he was on the jury for Diagon's trial.


Originally, Zs'Skayr was pure evil. As the years went on, he began to mellow out and regret his past, leading to him becoming Ben's frenemy and eventually joining the Canada Club. Now, he is kinda and noble.


Zs'Skayr can turn intangible, possess people, and also fire a laser for some reason. He is vulnerable to light, but can grow a protective skin.




